International conference GEODIGITAL UKRAINE
annual conference, organized by UkrGeo since 2019, 2019 р., which has become a platform for the development of international cooperation
and sharing the experience of the professional community..
The goal of the Conference - popularization and exchange of experience in the use of geospatial data and geoinformation technologies, creating conditions for Ukraine to become an intellectual industry leader in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia, cooperation between public and private sectors, industry development and effective implementation of public policy on the creation of the National Infrastructure of Geospatial Data in Ukraine.
The Conference includes:
- Sessions on thematic areas:
- Global and national trends in the use of geospatial data and geoinformation technologies
- Practical use of geoinformation technologies in state authorities and local governments
- Business services (products): aviation laser scanning, creation of True Ortho, 3D models, etc .
- Technological innovations from world leaders such as Trimble, Hexagon, Maxar and others
- The best cases from leading European companies.
- Exhibition of GIS technologies
- UAV Exhibition
- Exhibition of interesting projects made by ukrainian specialists

In addition, the following Conferences are scheduled to hold:
- Thematic section on air navigation information
- Thematic section on the practical use of UAVs
The co-organizers of the conference in 2019 were The State Service of Ukraine for Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre, and in 2020 - the USAID Project "Support to Agrarian and Rural Development" and the All-Ukrainian Association of the Communities.
It is expected that The State Aviation Administration of Ukraine, the State Agency of Motor Roads of Ukraine, the Main Directorate for Operational Support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the State Space Agency of Ukraine, the National Agency of Public Registry under the Ministry of Justice of Georgia and the Agency for Land Relations and Cadastre of the Republic of Moldova.