Project "Land management support of the communities"
implemented by UkrGeo with the USAID’s Agricultural and Rural Development Program (AGRO)
The goal of the project is to support local governments of territorial communities in the implementation of the latest legal requirements and the introduction of modern methodologies in the field of land management.
The basis of the project is the training program "New opportunities for communities in land management":
- focused on leaders and specialists in land resources management of territorial communities
- participation - free
- duration of one course of study - 6 months
- form of training - distance based on an online learning platform, which allows you to choose the time for the learning process and thus easily coordinate training with the performance of official duties
The distance learning platform is located at
Educational program is divided into 2 areas - for community leaders and for community land managers, each of which is designed taking into account the needs and characteristics of each group of students.
During the project implementation it is planned to conduct 2 half-year online training courses:
1 half-year course: October 2021 - March 2022
2 half-year course: March 2022 - August 2022
The educational program is structured in 10 modules for each course. Each module consists of video lectures, practical tasks and testing for self-control of the studied material. Expert presentation and a downloadable text version of the lecture will consolidate your knowledge.
According to the results of the training, the leaders of territorial communities will learn::
- how to form a strategic vision of community development and determine its investment attractiveness
- what sources of geospatial data are needed to make informed decisions
- what documents the community needs for quality management of community resources
- how to increase revenues to the local budget
- how to attract resources for planning the development of their territory
Community land managers will gain practical experience::
- implementation of the requirements of the latest land legislation
- effective implementation of the powers of local authorities in the field of land management
- application of decisions of the complex community plan in land management
- use of modern geographic information technologies for decision making
Within the framework of the Project implementation it is also planned:
- to organize communication of communities with state administrations, the State Geocadastre, other authorities, state enterprises in order to assist communities in land management and solving problems
- to perform clarification of acts and draft acts of land legislation in the form of quarterly online round tables and participation in public events (meetings, conferences, etc.).
- to prepare publication of explanations of land legislation and recommendations on community land management in local and national media.
To this end, a communication web platform has been developed,, which consists of 3 components: the Forum, the Viber Community for Community Leaders and the Viber Community for Land Surveyors.
The forum is a platform for communication on problematic issues for community representatives in selected thematic areas: Topography, Land Management, Urban Planning, GIS, Practical Application and Frequently Asked Questions.
It is possible to register and get professional explanations on community land management at the link –
Specialists of territorial communitieswho will actively participate in the educational process will be able to get::
- certificates confirming the acquired knowledge and skills
- advising on the application of legal requirements, development of comprehensive plans, control over land use
- support in obtaining topographic data and software configuration
- access to work with the geoportal
- assistance in resolving problematic issues in land management and community development
For reference: The activities were made possible by the support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under the USAID Agricultural and Rural Development Program (AGRO), implemented by Chemonics International. The opinion of the authors is not necessarily the official view of USAID or the United States Government.